Soluções Gráficas e de Impressão

Rua dos Valos, 291 – Z.Ind. de Romariz

3700-864 Romariz – Santa Maria da Feira

+351 256 916 386 

+351 919 922 641

Soluções Gráficas e de Impressão

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STAMPCODE UNIPESSOAL LDA está comprometido(a) em manter este sítio web atualizado e correto. Se apesar disto encontrar algo que está incorreto ou desatualizado, agradecemos que nos informe. Indique por favor qual o local do sítio web que contém essa informação. Iremos então analisar essa situação o mais brevemente possível. Envie por favor a sua comunicação por E-mail para

We are not liable for loss as a result of inaccuracies or incompleteness, nor for loss resulting from problems caused by or inherent to the dissemination of information through the internet, such as disruptions or interruptions. When using web forms, we strive to limit the number of required fields to a minimum. For any loss suffered as a result of the use of data, advice or ideas provided by or on behalf of STAMPCODE UNIPESSOAL LDA via this website, STAMPCODE UNIPESSOAL LDA accepts no liability.

The use of the website and all its components (including forums) is subject to terms of use. The mere use of this website implies the knowledge and the acceptance of these terms of use.

Responses and privacy inquiries submitted by email or using a web form will be treated in the same way as letters. This means that you can expect a response from us within a period of 1 month at the latest. In the case of complex requests, we will let you know within 1 month if we need a maximum of 3 months.

Quaisquer dados pessoais que nos forneça no contexto da sua resposta ou solicitação de informações serão utilizados apenas de acordo com nossa declaração de privacidade.

STAMPCODE UNIPESSOAL LDA shall make every reasonable effort to protect its systems against any form of unlawful use. STAMPCODE UNIPESSOAL LDA shall implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to this end, taking into account, among other things, the state of the art. However, it shall not be liable for any loss whatsoever, direct and/or indirect, suffered by a user of the website, which arises as a result of the unlawful use of its systems by a third party.

ão aceita qualquer responsabilidade pelo conteúdo de sítios web para os quais ou dos quais existam referências feitas (hyperlinks). Os Produtos ou serviços oferecidos por terceiras partes deverão estar sujeitos aos termos aplicáveis e condições dessas terceiras partes.

Our employees shall make every effort to guarantee the accessibility of our website and to continuously improve it. Including for people who use special software due to a disability.

This website is therefore built according to the WCAG 2.1 level AA guidelines. These guidelines are internationally recognised agreements on accessibility, sustainability, interchangeability, and findability of websites.

Todos os direitos de propriedade intelectual do conteúdo deste sítio web pertencem a STAMPCODE UNIPESSOAL LDA.

Copying, disseminating and any other use of these materials is not permitted without the written permission of STAMPCODE UNIPESSOAL LDA, except and only insofar as otherwise stipulated in regulations of mandatory law (such as the right to quote), unless specific content dictates otherwise.

If you have any questions or problems with the accessibility of the website, please do not hesitate to contact us.